

PGCoin tokens are not securities, collective investment schemes or units or business trusts as defined under Singapore’s Securities and Futures Act (Cap 289) (“SFA”). The offer of these tokens are therefore not regulated by the SFA.

There is no requirement for the offer of the PGCoin tokens to be accompanied by any prospectus. Nor is there any requirement for any prospectus to be lodged with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”).

No regulatory authority has reviewed any information in this White Paper.

The White Paper or any part thereof, may not be distributed in any jurisdiction where the offering of tokens set out in this White Paper is regulated or prohibited.

Representation and Warranties

PGCoin does not make or purport to make any representation or warranty or undertaking in this White Paper or in connection of the PGCoin initial token sales, to any person, including any representation, warranty or undertaking relating to the truth, completeness and accuracy of the information in this White Paper.

You represent and warranty that:

You agree that PGCoin tokens are not securities, collective investment schemes or business trusts under Singapore’s Securities and Futures Act, and that these are not securities or similar instruments in any other jurisdiction;

You agree to furnish personal information and documents which may be requested by PGCoin for the purposes of conducting customer due diligence, and that any information furnished by yourself is true and accurate, and that you have not withheld any material information;

You, your associates, your businesses enterprises (in which you are beneficial owner) or family members are not on any sanctions or terrorist list issued by the United Nations, the Monetary Authority of Singapore or any other jurisdiction;

You, your associates, your businesses enterprises (in which you are beneficial owner) or family members, have not committed any previous criminal offences, and that you have not used any proceeds of crimes or tax offences (whether belonging to you or otherwise, and whether directly or otherwise) to purchase PGCoin tokens.

You understand PGCoin is not providing you with any investment or financial advice, that you are acting of your own volition and have sought your independent financial advice where appropriate;

You understand fully the investment risks relating to investing in cryptocurrencies generally, and in relation to PGCoin tokens specifically and accept all investment risks (including the possibility of losing part or the whole of your investments).